Partnering with the African Church
for the sake of the Gospel
”When we see the villagers running for cover and hear of the horrors of the refuge camps (officially known as IDCs — Internally Displaced Camps), it's easy to forget that some of these are our brothers and sisters in Christ.
When the war broke out (I'm speaking of the First Congo War), the majority of western missionaries fled. Those that didn't, lasted until the outbreak of the Second Congo War. Unfortunately, without the support of western missionaries, the beleaguered pastors had no help in ministering to their flocks. Almost none of the national pastors in either Congo DR or Burundi have had any formal training whatsoever. The missionaries were no longer available to help them understand the fundamental truths of God's Word….”
Click to read more about our mission to support the African Church

Ways To Get Involved
Give a Bible
Local churches typically have only one Bible to be shared between the entire congregation. Our desire is to put a Bible in as many hands as possible. A mere $12 provides a Bible written in Swahili to be given to a church member in need.
Send a Teacher
Each year we send pastors and seminary students to provide desperately needed education to the African Pastors. Each traveler needs to raise $3,000 for the trip. Any excess funds raised are left with the local churches to help care for their day to day needs.
Sponsor a Pastor
Pastors from 4 different countries travel each year to receive training in God’s word. Some pastors walk up to 350 miles each way. Many come with little money for lodging or food. Your support would help ease the burden of travel and allow these men to better equip themselves to teach their congregations God’s truths.
Build a Church
Every year 3-4 churches are planted in regions where African pastors are sent. Many of these churches meet outdoors due to the lack of an actual building of their own. This has been the cause of much persecution by the local government who states that any religious gathering that does not have a building is a cult. A church can be built for less than the cost of an average family vacation in the US.