When Confederate Money is All You Have
Originally posted on 8/9/2011
The paper shown above is now a collector's item. But for a long while, money issued by the Confederate States of America (which still maintains a government in exile, or so it is claimed) was practically worthless. In money terms, the CSA was essentially broke from day one, plans for coinage never got off the ground, the paper money inflated immediately. After the war, the pretty paper, never worth very much, was devalued to zero. The cry “Save your Confederate Money boys, the South’s gonna rise again!” was instructive of just how worthless the paper had become. What was really being called for was the storage of the paper instead of using it as kindling.
I mention this because Bonnie, Liz and I have, in essence, confederate money. For you see, some of the American bills we brought with us the currency traders won’t exchange. They are too old. Anything minted prior to 2006 no one will touch. And if no one will take your money, it is in the end, only paper.
As it stands at the moment, we don’t have enough money to finish the trip. Oh, we had the foresight to pay for our rooms in advance. But we don’t have enough money to feed us through next week. We’ve written someone in the states for help in resolving this problem, but so far there has been no response. So far, we’ve refused to worry. We don’t actually need the money yet. As I said before, “the day ain’t over yet.” But Bonnie, Liz and I would greatly appreciate your prayers concerning this problem. We’ll keep you informed.
NOTE: This post is my best attempt to duplicate one that was accidentally deleted. It's amazing how quickly something can be deleted, considering how long it takes to upload nearly anything.
God has supplied the money that we need through some loving friends who work at Grace School of Theology. Thank you for praying for us. This is just another example of those prayers being answered by God, who is ever faithful